This is written as a series of Dream Interpretation Helps concerning dreams from God. I will cover the things that I feel are mandatory for correct dream interpretation and application of the truths revealed in the dream. All scripture references are NASB, unless otherwise noted. Emphases are mine. © 2013, 2022 Elizabeth Elam. All rights reserved.
I want to make you aware that your very first dream from the Lord that you can remember vividly may be a Word from the Lord showing you your life calling. Joseph’s first dream that is recorded in the Bible was this way. It showed his family in the form of sheaves of wheat, bowing down to him because he would be Pharaoh’s first in command in order to save them.
My first dream from the Lord showed me tending the most beautiful garden in the world. In this unusually bountiful garden grew two types of flowers that grew nowhere else. One had a very statuesque stem leading to a full lily-like white flower that had the name of the ‘Christ Flower’ and the other had many little blue and white bell-shaped flowers in groups of three (the Trinity) that made sweet bell-like music when the wind (Holy Spirit) blew. I invited my family and some others to this garden (the Lord Jesus in a believer’s heart) to see its exquisite loveliness and they ended up loving the garden as much as I did! So this dream contained a beautiful promise for my life which I have already seen fulfilled, that those who get in close relationship with me (and my family) so that they see the Lord in my life will end up loving the Lord as much as I do!
My husband’s first dream from the Lord has him convincing some church leaders (behind the scenes) to turn on the fresh flowing fountain (the flow of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God) which had lain in stagnation and begun to stink. I have definitely seen him operate in this gift. One of our five sons also has experienced his first dream from the Lord: A pillar of fire (the anointing) coming down as a column as he led worship on his guitar. A man even had a vision of this happening as David led worship one time and the man knew nothing of David’s dream. Our oldest son had a very interesting first dream when he was just six years old. In the dream, he was taken to Heaven and got to sit in God’s lap. Then the Lord told him it was time to go back to us. The Lord gave him keys to the Kingdom of God just as He did the Apostle Peter (our son’s namesake). Remember that Peter in the Bible did open (with the keys?) the Kingdom to people from many nations as the first preacher at Pentecost. Also, our son, in the dream, was given a crown with twelve jewels in it by the Lord. The twelve tribes of Israel are scattered all over the earth at this time. Will our son reach some from each of those dispersed tribes? I’ve seen a little bit of the ‘evangelist’ in our son and expect to see more in the future.
I encourage you to think about and pray about your first dream from the Lord, so that He may bring its Kingdom promise to pass through your life as you submit to His will.
I want to make you aware that your very first dream from the Lord that you can remember vividly may be a Word from the Lord showing you your life calling. Joseph’s first dream that is recorded in the Bible was this way. It showed his family in the form of sheaves of wheat, bowing down to him because he would be Pharaoh’s first in command in order to save them.
My first dream from the Lord showed me tending the most beautiful garden in the world. In this unusually bountiful garden grew two types of flowers that grew nowhere else. One had a very statuesque stem leading to a full lily-like white flower that had the name of the ‘Christ Flower’ and the other had many little blue and white bell-shaped flowers in groups of three (the Trinity) that made sweet bell-like music when the wind (Holy Spirit) blew. I invited my family and some others to this garden (the Lord Jesus in a believer’s heart) to see its exquisite loveliness and they ended up loving the garden as much as I did! So this dream contained a beautiful promise for my life which I have already seen fulfilled, that those who get in close relationship with me (and my family) so that they see the Lord in my life will end up loving the Lord as much as I do!
My husband’s first dream from the Lord has him convincing some church leaders (behind the scenes) to turn on the fresh flowing fountain (the flow of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God) which had lain in stagnation and begun to stink. I have definitely seen him operate in this gift. One of our five sons also has experienced his first dream from the Lord: A pillar of fire (the anointing) coming down as a column as he led worship on his guitar. A man even had a vision of this happening as David led worship one time and the man knew nothing of David’s dream. Our oldest son had a very interesting first dream when he was just six years old. In the dream, he was taken to Heaven and got to sit in God’s lap. Then the Lord told him it was time to go back to us. The Lord gave him keys to the Kingdom of God just as He did the Apostle Peter (our son’s namesake). Remember that Peter in the Bible did open (with the keys?) the Kingdom to people from many nations as the first preacher at Pentecost. Also, our son, in the dream, was given a crown with twelve jewels in it by the Lord. The twelve tribes of Israel are scattered all over the earth at this time. Will our son reach some from each of those dispersed tribes? I’ve seen a little bit of the ‘evangelist’ in our son and expect to see more in the future.
I encourage you to think about and pray about your first dream from the Lord, so that He may bring its Kingdom promise to pass through your life as you submit to His will.
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