Bear Market Dream
9-16-11 Betsy Elam
The dream starts out with me and another woman who is standing by my side. I am aware of her next to me, but never see her face to identify her. I am on high ground looking out into the distance where my husband and some or all of the rest of my family are. They are in a wooded area as I am, too, but at a lower elevation. There is some open land among us, too.
Suddenly, I see a bear going towards my family. I am seeing this scene from a distance. I don’t know if the bear has hurt anyone. It may not have done any damage to them; because when it sees me and the woman, it changes its direction of attack and begins to run towards us up an embankment at an amazing speed. It is the biggest bear I’ve ever seen, absolutely huge! As the bear gets nearer to us, I realize that it is a mechanical-looking bear with people riding it. The impending danger of this ferocious ‘bear’ attack literally makes my heart pound and fear come on me as I lie in bed asleep having the dream. It all seems so real and ‘close’. The size and weight of the monstrous bear make the ground shake like an earthquake as it runs towards us.
There are some tremendously tall pines near me that I consider climbing to escape the bear. But I am aware that even with their impressive height, they would be no match for this bear that makes the ground thunder and shake with each impact of its heavy rushing gait. I know that the bear could easily knock me out of the tree as I am aware that it could even topple the tall pines with its jarring weight if it jammed itself against the tree, shaking it. Then I look out to the ocean, which is a short distance away. I consider swimming out into the ocean a ways away from land. Yet I know this plan will not be a sure escape from the bear either.
Finally, I notice a cliff-like sheer wall dropping off precipitously from my feet. It appears to be a very old brick or stone man-made wall. I have the impression that I’m viewing the remains of a wall, which in the distant past would have possibly been above ground. It had sunk down over time. The cliff-like wall extends so far down that I just barely make out the bottom of it. I feel that my only possible escape from the bear is climbing down the sheer wall. This entails its own level of incredible risk as the vertical climb appears to be a very far drop with minimal handholds to stop a fall. It would take a miracle for me to not fall. Also, there is no certainty that the bear couldn’t somehow still reach me where I am. At this point, my motive for climbing down the wall is to hide from the bear or at least stay ahead of him. This part of the dream ends with me just barely started on my climb down the sheer precipice of this ancient wall. I have a momentary realization that if I was somehow successful at climbing down the wall, the bear could be waiting for me at the bottom. I am no longer aware of the woman who had stood by my side, probably because we both ran for self preservation in different directions at the sight of the charging bear.
The dream switches to another scene. I am now in a room addressing a casual group of young people. The only ones I recognize are my fourth son and the son of some friends of ours who happen to be leaders in the community and the church. I ask these young adults, “Do any of you know what a bear market is?”
Our son replied that he didn’t know what that was. The other young man forcefully said, “There’s no such thing as a bear market.”
As I was waking up I knew that the dream was about a fast approaching BEAR-of-all-bear markets.
The interpretation was inside the dream; a fast approaching ‘BEAR’ market to outdo all bear markets we’ve yet known. It was mechanical, with people riding (manipulating) it which shows it is man-made. The fear I felt was just as real even after I noticed that people were riding it. This was no ‘safe’ bear. There was no real place of escape except going over the cliff. At the time of this dream I had never heard the term ‘fiscal cliff’. Is that the cliff-like wall that I’m trying to climb down? I do believe the ‘ancient wall’ represents Wall Street. Wall Street’s power has eroded or receded. The ‘Dow’ has sunk down. I have a vantage point in the dream to see all this clearly.
The tall trees would be influential people or corporations of Wall Street. They could not bail me out of trouble from the bear. They were no match for the bear. Also, the bear may come to shake or topple some of them. The ocean (the ocean really is near Wall Street I found out) may represent the ocean of debt. No safety there. Lastly, Wall Street, which we thought was our towering refuge has sunk to such a ‘low’ that it has possibly turned into the ‘fiscal cliff’. At least I had not jumped off or fallen off the cliff. If I am representing any financial decisions made by Wall Street or government, it appears that by ‘climbing down’ to stay ‘ahead’ of the ‘bear’ would be a temporary choice that has been made as the ‘bear’ comes close. Remember that I feel ready to ‘fall’ with minimal ‘handholds’ (stopping places for the Dow). Is this an actual strategy to keep the ‘’bear’ from killing our economy, to let the market ‘fall’ or ‘go down’? I am not a financial expert and don’t keep up with most of the financial news. But in the dream, I definitely could not stay where I was, precariously perched on a sheer vertical wall.
The young man who stated that there was no such thing as a bear market may be a person who will prosper in a bear market. I know a few people actually know how to make money or prosper in such times. The young people, as a whole, though, seem very ill-prepared to face a bear market of these proportions in the dream. I would say to them now, “Fix your eyes and your hope on Jesus Christ in the coming turbulent times. Listen to His Holy Spirit to guide you. The promises in the Bible to true believers (true followers and doers of the Word) are still true no matter what we face.
9-16-11 Betsy Elam
The dream starts out with me and another woman who is standing by my side. I am aware of her next to me, but never see her face to identify her. I am on high ground looking out into the distance where my husband and some or all of the rest of my family are. They are in a wooded area as I am, too, but at a lower elevation. There is some open land among us, too.
Suddenly, I see a bear going towards my family. I am seeing this scene from a distance. I don’t know if the bear has hurt anyone. It may not have done any damage to them; because when it sees me and the woman, it changes its direction of attack and begins to run towards us up an embankment at an amazing speed. It is the biggest bear I’ve ever seen, absolutely huge! As the bear gets nearer to us, I realize that it is a mechanical-looking bear with people riding it. The impending danger of this ferocious ‘bear’ attack literally makes my heart pound and fear come on me as I lie in bed asleep having the dream. It all seems so real and ‘close’. The size and weight of the monstrous bear make the ground shake like an earthquake as it runs towards us.
There are some tremendously tall pines near me that I consider climbing to escape the bear. But I am aware that even with their impressive height, they would be no match for this bear that makes the ground thunder and shake with each impact of its heavy rushing gait. I know that the bear could easily knock me out of the tree as I am aware that it could even topple the tall pines with its jarring weight if it jammed itself against the tree, shaking it. Then I look out to the ocean, which is a short distance away. I consider swimming out into the ocean a ways away from land. Yet I know this plan will not be a sure escape from the bear either.
Finally, I notice a cliff-like sheer wall dropping off precipitously from my feet. It appears to be a very old brick or stone man-made wall. I have the impression that I’m viewing the remains of a wall, which in the distant past would have possibly been above ground. It had sunk down over time. The cliff-like wall extends so far down that I just barely make out the bottom of it. I feel that my only possible escape from the bear is climbing down the sheer wall. This entails its own level of incredible risk as the vertical climb appears to be a very far drop with minimal handholds to stop a fall. It would take a miracle for me to not fall. Also, there is no certainty that the bear couldn’t somehow still reach me where I am. At this point, my motive for climbing down the wall is to hide from the bear or at least stay ahead of him. This part of the dream ends with me just barely started on my climb down the sheer precipice of this ancient wall. I have a momentary realization that if I was somehow successful at climbing down the wall, the bear could be waiting for me at the bottom. I am no longer aware of the woman who had stood by my side, probably because we both ran for self preservation in different directions at the sight of the charging bear.
The dream switches to another scene. I am now in a room addressing a casual group of young people. The only ones I recognize are my fourth son and the son of some friends of ours who happen to be leaders in the community and the church. I ask these young adults, “Do any of you know what a bear market is?”
Our son replied that he didn’t know what that was. The other young man forcefully said, “There’s no such thing as a bear market.”
As I was waking up I knew that the dream was about a fast approaching BEAR-of-all-bear markets.
The interpretation was inside the dream; a fast approaching ‘BEAR’ market to outdo all bear markets we’ve yet known. It was mechanical, with people riding (manipulating) it which shows it is man-made. The fear I felt was just as real even after I noticed that people were riding it. This was no ‘safe’ bear. There was no real place of escape except going over the cliff. At the time of this dream I had never heard the term ‘fiscal cliff’. Is that the cliff-like wall that I’m trying to climb down? I do believe the ‘ancient wall’ represents Wall Street. Wall Street’s power has eroded or receded. The ‘Dow’ has sunk down. I have a vantage point in the dream to see all this clearly.
The tall trees would be influential people or corporations of Wall Street. They could not bail me out of trouble from the bear. They were no match for the bear. Also, the bear may come to shake or topple some of them. The ocean (the ocean really is near Wall Street I found out) may represent the ocean of debt. No safety there. Lastly, Wall Street, which we thought was our towering refuge has sunk to such a ‘low’ that it has possibly turned into the ‘fiscal cliff’. At least I had not jumped off or fallen off the cliff. If I am representing any financial decisions made by Wall Street or government, it appears that by ‘climbing down’ to stay ‘ahead’ of the ‘bear’ would be a temporary choice that has been made as the ‘bear’ comes close. Remember that I feel ready to ‘fall’ with minimal ‘handholds’ (stopping places for the Dow). Is this an actual strategy to keep the ‘’bear’ from killing our economy, to let the market ‘fall’ or ‘go down’? I am not a financial expert and don’t keep up with most of the financial news. But in the dream, I definitely could not stay where I was, precariously perched on a sheer vertical wall.
The young man who stated that there was no such thing as a bear market may be a person who will prosper in a bear market. I know a few people actually know how to make money or prosper in such times. The young people, as a whole, though, seem very ill-prepared to face a bear market of these proportions in the dream. I would say to them now, “Fix your eyes and your hope on Jesus Christ in the coming turbulent times. Listen to His Holy Spirit to guide you. The promises in the Bible to true believers (true followers and doers of the Word) are still true no matter what we face.